March 14: Come Out and Support CDSS!

Event:  I Support CDSS!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
7:30-10 p.m.
The Reality Center, 916 Lamond St., Durham, N.C. 27701
Flyer to share:  link

Sun Assembly is teaming up with Triangle Country Dancers (link) to present “I Support CDSS!,” a fundraiser focused on the common threads that bind the two organizations together.  The suggested donation is $10 at the door.  All door admissions will be donated to CDSS from the Triangle dance communities.

The event will feature live music and a mix of dance styles:  English, contra and squares.
Guests:           Gaye Fifer, CDSS President
Katy German, CDSS Executive Director
Bruce Hamilton, CDSS Past President
Callers:           Pat Petersen
Gail Lacy
Gaye Fifer
Valerie Helbert
Musicians:     Julie Gorka
Joey O’Donnell
Dean Herington
Pete Campbell

Please consider what CDSS means to you and plan to support this great event. 

The sponsoring organizations are sharing expenses and responsibilities so that all funds raised go directly to CDSS.   Sun Assembly is providing the dance space and musicians, and Triangle Country Dancers is setting up the space and providing the sound system and desk volunteers.